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The people of Machinegames

Production at Machinegames

— Mariusz Macieja, Lead Producer

Mariusz Macieja

What’s the best part of being a Producer at MachineGames?

The absolute best thing about my job is that there is no such thing as a daily routine. At any given time, I can be working with game designers to break down their ideas into specific tasks, discussing implementation problems with programmers, or making sure that artistic feedback is understandable and actionable… or I might be spending the whole day in the spreadsheets and the bug tracker when we are close to shipping. They’re all very important parts of my job and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As game developers, we tend to start developing a new game with extremely ambitious ideas that (for various reasons) end up being reduced, or even fully cut from the game. As part of my work I’m trying to help teams break down ideas, plan upcoming work and improve the way they communicate, so we can deliver a great game on time without any major flaws, while cutting as little as possible from the original vision. Trying to achieve that – perfecting the game and preserving the original game vision – is what makes my work meaningful.

Are you excited for the future of MachineGames?

I started at MachineGames in early 2020, and so far everything I’ve been working on is still a secret, but I do hope that I’ve already made some impact, and trust me when I say that the best is yet to come!